Monday, November 2, 2009

"Liberty the American Revolution"

At the beginning of the American Revolution it was clear that the Americana's had quite the battle to fight before them seeing as the Britain army was overly prepared upon their arrival and continued to train throughout the summer months until September. The Britain army even recruited help from Germany asking them for their support, which in return brought them Hessions, already trained German solders for 7 pounds a head. While training in America the Britain and German solders felt uncomfortable in the heat along with the massive amounts of bugs and wild creature's that roamed the area where the settled.

George Washington was the head general of the American side which at the start of the war you could barely call an army. The men that were given to Washington were not suitable for the battle that they had to fight. Congress however did not have the power to give general Washington was he was asking for. Finding men that were willing to give over one year of their life to the war was extremely difficult to find. Washington hit rock bottom and began to offer land as well as a salary to anyone willing to sign up for the militia. However there numbers where still small, and the American side was still out numbered to the British two to one.

Battle after battle continues to end with defeat for Americans. With there numbers so low to begin with have a large number of deaths along with casualties was something that the Americans really could not afford to have. A victory for the Americans is really needed at this point in the war in order to not only have mental and physical relief but so more solders will be willing to sign up, seeing as no person wants to sign up for a loosing team. Washington is feeling completely defeated and at this point has really hit rock bottom, and with a chance of victory slim to none continuing to try seems almost pointless.

After almost giving everything up George Washington came up with the ultimate top secrete plan that if follows through and goes as planned will end with victory for America. The day is Christmas the time is three a.m and the location is the Hudson river. Quiet and quickly as possible two thousand five hundred solders cross the Hudson ready to attack the Britain's fort which at the time was being guarded by drunk, sleeping Hessions. By the time Washington and his troups attack the fort the Britains are to

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