Thursday, December 17, 2009

Communist view of U.S. Constitution

1. The information given to us from the Soviet Union textbooks obviously include the authors personal opinion. The text book is basically stating the United States sucks, and offers no right what so ever to the people living there. According to this text book our right don't exist: " The freedoms exist even now on paper, but they are constantly violated". Clearly this author does not agree with anything that The United States has ever done, nor accomplished;" They dealt harshly with the revolutionary workers". The Soviet Union writers went back into the United States past just to make us look worse.

2. - "This law recognized the rights of citizens to freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of conscience.
- "The war of Independence did advance to development of the United States".
-"A number of the basic principles of the new American Constitution and the state constitution were manifestly aimed again the masses of people.
-"The land the previously had belonged to the Indians was proclaimed the property of the new states and put up for sale.
The entire article is clearly against the United States Constitution, the writer of this excerpt clearly does not agree with what the United States has done.

3. I think that what this criticiser had to say was all very blown up and I do not agree with any of it. I think that the Constitution gave us order and no our rights are not constinatly voilated like the writer of the excerpt said.